Special Ed Administrator's Credentials, including documents  showing lack of certification.

This is information we have as of 6/2006, aside from the insurance documents. New information may be available; but we don't have access to it at this time. We accept no responsibilty for information made available following this upload.
Click below to see the form.  This form is the FIRST time that a temporary approval form was filled out by BPS - the district ignored Karen Austin's letters from Oakland Schools for 8 years while Susan was supervisor.  This is a mandatory form from the State of MI - Dept. of Education.
The form was generated by the State of MI - Office of Special Ed. which Oakland Schools is supposed to monitor.  All the areas are circled "YES" and the certification attached to this form was the English/French Certificate (NOT Special Ed.) - there wasn't one.  This form should NOT have been approved.
Below are the State of MI Requirements for a Continuing Temporary Approval for a Director of Special Education.  These are the requirements that must be followed  - see Criteria and look at #1 -
Click below to see document. Originally, to meet requirements for school psychologist continuing certification, one must take classes at that original university. Certificate lapsed 6/30/1998 -> 4/10/2006= 8 YEARS.  12 semester hours were used from classes taken in 2005 in Administration Program:
EDA 8650 General ed classes (not special ed)
EDA 7800
EDA 8650 General ed classes (not special ed)

To renew school psychologist certification (if expired 5 or more years), under state rule 380.206 Part 10, you must take 12 semester hours in Educational Psychology or applicable to Educational Psychology.

Click below to see Professional Development Log. Note: NO CEUs after 1994. No Ed Psych classes. No continuing ed 1993-1997.
Click below to view 2005/2006 documents from MDOE (Michigan Dept. of Education), OSEP (Office of Special Education), EIS (Early Intervention Services). The first document is from the State of Michigan and the second document is from BPS and the ISD (Intermediate School District).  They are the SAME document, but from two different places. Note that "Yes" is checked on the MDE form, but NOTHING is circled under the ISD/BPS copy of the form. The dates are the same, but the information is different.
Somebody was covering for Birmingham. Note: This document was faxed in two parts. To completely view them, open each one separately. The document below these two is the same document but from BPS and the ISD-
Click below: From BPS and ISD
2005/2006 Approved, but unlike document above, nothing circled; no certification attached. Dr. Hoeffler signed this form even though it was not completely filled out.
The email below verified that special ed director's certification had been expired since 6-30-1998.
Click below for Special Dd director salary and itemized amounts put on Michigan Dept of Ed- Spec Ed Form 4096 for state aid reimbursement.
Below: no liability coverage for Special Ed related litigation. All costs, including legal fees, come directly out of BPS education budget.
Below: Special Ed Director was "graduated" without taking required course EDA 7820. See transcript dated 5/2006 below this.
Below: 5/5/2006 Transcript. Did not take required course # EDA 7820
Below: See Plan C- Special Ed Director given certificate without having taken course 7820. See transcripts from July 2006, below.
Below: When YES was checked in box, school psychologist certificate had been expired since 1998. Note: #3- no answer was given. Note: To meet temporary approval requirement, box must have been checked YES and  12 credit hours must have been taken by this date..
Note: under requirements for temporary approval, "C"- nothing was checked. ("Yes" should have been checked).
Below: For this to have been a "paperwork error", special ed director would had to have taken the necessary continuing ed or semester hours prior to June 30, 1998 to keep her certification current. She did not. She had to fill out renewal in Educational Psychology for an 8 year expired certification, using Administration classes taken in 2005 to renew an 8 year old school psychologist certification.
Document below shows qualifications of Special Ed Director from 1995-2003. Note 11 years of violations. For more related documents, click on page titled "Lipsitt Case"